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A continuous process of improvement.

Brewery Van Steenberge stands for independence, progress and growth. We emphasize traditional brewing adapted to technological evolutions and guarantee reliable quality and service. Respect for employees and care for the environment are central to the policy.

Everything starts with the Water

Water is used during the brewing process, as well as for cooling and cleaning. Unfortunately, water is not inexhaustible, which is why we do everything we can to be as efficient as possible with our water, and reduce our water consumption. But also to recycle and reuse our wastewater as best we can.

Renewable energy

We dare to say that 100% of the electricity consumed by our brewery is from renewable sources. Thanks to our solar panels, we generate much of our own electricity, allowing us to enjoy almost 100% of our own energy during the summer months.

But we are not stopping at solar energy, we are continuing to optimize and purify our processes with the main objectives in mind:

– Increase our use of renewable energy sources
– Continuously optimize our energy efficiency
– Keep our CO2 emissions as low as possible

Nieuwe vatenlijn

The renovated building should on the one hand accommodate the increasing growth of its own brands and on the other hand support the increasing demand for local beers from local brewers. Furthermore, the well-being of the workers was taken into account, including ergonomics.

This allows us to monitor quality even better and to produce twice as much but certainly also to significantly reduce our carbon footprint

Member of CEOs 4 Climate.

CEO’s 4 Climate is a network of climate-conscious entrepreneurs, of which Brewery Van Steenberge is also part, and by becoming a member of CEO’s 4 Climate, 20 trees have already been planted in Congo in collaboration with Go Forrest.

The vision of C4C ‘CEOs 4 Climate’
Global warming is a major and global threat, impacting everything and everyone. Also on us and on our economy. Still, the problem is solvable.

The resources to take the first important steps are there. And those steps are achievable. C4C believes that entrepreneurs play an important, positive role in climate change.

Because entrepreneurs turn threats into opportunities. Because entrepreneurs are go-getters, even when the going gets tough.

Strong local anchoring

Roots in the Meetjesland, It is the region where farmers and producers have been making the tastiest products since time immemorial. That’s in the Meetjesland nature and the genesis of Brewery Van Steenberge. The unmistakable attention to detail and pride of the creator.

But also proud of the region and everything that happens there, which is why we support as many local associations and initiatives as possible.

Collaboration with Workshop Gandae

GandaeHandlingAtelier provides employment to work-able people with mild or moderate mental disabilities who are suspected of being unable to work within the mainstream business community. They employ people who were authorized by the government to work in a sheltered workshop.

To them, too, we want to give our support because they are going full steam ahead!

80% of our sales are exports, packaging here requires special attention and flexibility . Gandae’s staff handles this perfectly. So a clear win win situation

our webshop

On our webshop you will find a
exquisite selection of our beers.

To the shop

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